If you have no idea how you are going to pay the amount of taxes you owe, you may just want to push it to the back of your mind until you have the money to deal with it. However, this can result in fines, penalties, and future tax liability. Additionally, the amount owed will continue to increase.
It can be hard to face such a daunting issue on your own. Luckily, you don’t have to. By retaining the experienced San Diego County tax resolution services of the Law Offices of David M. Boertje, you will have a zealous advocate representing you, who is well versed in dealing with the IRS and fully prepared to take the lead in guiding you through the process and arriving at a solution that works for you.
The Basics of an Installment AgreementAn installment agreement is a contract reached between a taxpayer (can be an individual or a business) and the IRS, which spreads out the total amount owed into manageable payments over a fixed period of time. In general, if your tax liability is below $25,000 for an individual, the IRS will likely require any payment plan to have repaid the full amount within 5 years. Having an experienced attorney on your side ensures that you will not have to accept terms that are not feasible for you to meet. In fact, if it is not possible for you to commit to making any monthly payment due to unemployment or other financial hardship, there may be better alternatives available for you, such as an offer in compromise, which your attorney can also walk you through at your free consultation. Your attorney will thoroughly review your financial data, including your past tax returns, current income, and expenses, to determine a payment amount that is reasonable and comfortable for you to make, without having to sacrifice essentials.
Having a Lawyer on Your Side is InvaluableOftentimes, individuals attempting to file the paperwork and apply for an installment plan on their own, may overcommit in an attempt to avoid minor fees for longer-term plans. As a result, they may end up in default, which is a much more serious issue.
A lawyer will fight for what works for you, instead of what is standard or easy for the IRS. Having a lawyer on your side ensures that you will reach a resolution that is actually sustainable for you in the short-term and long-term. It also corrects that power imbalance that usually exists between an individual taxpayer and a complex government organization, and puts you on more equal footing, so you don’t just have to take what is offered (if anything).
Let us Help YouWhen individuals attempt to navigate the tax resolution process on their own, they often feel lost and unseen--another stack of papers in a million. Here at the Law Offices of David M. Boertje, we make sure that you are seen, heard, and taken care of. We do the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to. Contact our offices today, serving San Diego County, and all of greater Southern California. If you have a tax issue in California, we can help you solve it. We offer free consultations by phone and online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find out how much better your life can be, tax problem free.